How to uninstall Snipaste on a Mac

If you’re looking for a guide to completely remove Snipaste from your Mac, you’re on the right page. Here, we’ll share the steps to completely uninstall the app so that no leftover files are left on your computer taking up valuable disk space.


  1. 1. Why should you uninstall Snipaste from your Mac?
  2. 2. The manual way to uninstall Snipaste on a Mac.
  3. 3. The quickest way to remove Snipaste.

There are two ways to remove any app from a Mac. You can do it manually or use a third-party tool like App Cleaner & Uninstaller. This tool can quickly and entirely uninstall any application by automatically finding and removing all of its associated files with just a few clicks.

You can download and try the app for free.

Should I uninstall Snipaste from my Mac?

Snipaste is an app for editing screenshots. It allows you not only to take screenshots, but also to annotate, edit, and pin them to the screen as stickers for easy access. After installing Snipaste on your Mac, you can take a screenshot by pressing a preset hotkey combination. You can choose which part of the screen to capture – the entire screen, a specific window, or a selected area.

The Snipaste app is available both on Windows and macOS systems. Generally, it’s known as safe software for a Mac. However, there are some reasons, that may make you think of deleting the app:

  • If you notice performance issues after installing the software, it may indicate a conflict with other programs.
  • You may have found another screenshot app that has features that are more suitable for you. If the new app meets all your needs, Snipaste may no longer be necessary.
  • While the app itself doesn’t take up much space, it can store cached data and files that can grow over time. If you’re cleaning up your Mac and want to free up more space, deleting unnecessary apps like Snipaste can help.

If none of these reasons apply and you continue to enjoy using Snipaste, there is no need to remove it. However, if you no longer need it, removing it may be useful to optimize your Mac.

How to Manually Uninstall Snipaste on a Mac

To completely remove Snipaste from your Mac, it’s not enough to just move the app to the trash. It’s also important to get rid of any associated support files that may remain on your system. To do this, you’ll need to browse your Library directory and delete any remaining files. Follow these steps:

  1. Quit the Snipaste app.
  2. Open the Applications folder in Finder.
  3. Locate Snipaste in the list of applications.
  4. Drag the software to the Trash or right-click it and choose “Move to Trash.”
  5. Manually remove Snipaste

  6. Remove leftover files. For this, press Cmd+Shift+G in Finder to open the “Go to Folder” window.
  7. Enter ~/Library and press Enter.
  8. Going to the Library folder

  9. In the Library folder, search for and delete any remaining Snipaste files in these subfolders:
    ~/Library/Application Support/
  10. Check also this location:
  11. Snipaste hidden files

  12. Empty the Trash.
  13. After removing all associated files, right-click on the Trash and select “Empty Trash” to completely uninstall Snipaste.

How to use a Mac uninstaller to remove Snipaste

If you are looking for a quick and more effective way to remove Snipaste from your Mac, you can use App Cleaner & Uninstaller. This tool simplifies the removal process by allowing you to not only remove the app itself but also identify and remove any remaining files such as caches and settings.

Here’s how to use it:

  1. Download and install App Cleaner & Uninstaller.
  2. Launch the app and allow it to scan all installed applications on your Mac.
  3. Locate Snipaste in the list of apps and select it.
  4. Click the “Uninstall” button, and App Cleaner & Uninstaller will erase Snipaste along with any cache, preferences, and other related files.
  5. Confirm the action to complete the uninstallation.

Uninstalling Snipaste

Even if you’ve already deleted the app manually, App Cleaner & Uninstaller can find any remaining files under the “Remaining Files” section, helping you clear them with a simple click.
Remove Snipaste remaining files


Uninstalling Snipaste from your Mac can be done manually by deleting the app and its leftover files, or you can use a dedicated uninstaller like App Cleaner & Uninstaller to save time and ensure no traces remain. Regardless of the method you choose, fully removing unused apps will keep your Mac optimized and clutter-free.

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